- Create a new directory in App_Plugins called anything you like. This will be your “package” directory
- Copy the web.config file that’s inside the main “Views” directory (not your project’s main web.config!) into your package directory. This is needed for MVC to work properly
- Create a package.manifest file and put this in it (come back and modify these properties as necessary):
“name”: “Speaker Portrait”,
“alias”: “speakerPortrait”,
“view”: “media”,
“render”: “/app_plugins/yourpackagedir/MediaMarkup.cshtml”,
“icon”: “icon-picture”,
“style”: “height:270px; width:187px”,
“markup”: “"<a class='image featured’>#value#</a>““
} - Find the .cshtml file for the editor you’re modifying in \Views\Partials\Grid\Editors and copy it into your package directory
- Edit that to add the functionality you want, I added “markup” to the media editor like so:
@model dynamic
@using Umbraco.Web.Templates
@if (Model.value != null)
var url = Model.value.image;
if(Model.editor.config != null && Model.editor.config.size != null){
url += “?width=” + Model.editor.config.size.width;
url += “&height=” + Model.editor.config.size.height;
if(Model.value.focalPoint != null){
url += “¢er=” + Model.value.focalPoint.top +”,” + Model.value.focalPoint.left;
url += “&mode=crop”;
var element = $”<img src="{url}" alt="{Model.value.altText}">";
string markup = Model.editor.config.markup.ToString();
if (!markup.Contains("#value#"))
throw new Exception(“Error: markup not configured correctly”);
markup = markup.Replace("#value#", element);
if (Model.value.caption != null)
<p class="caption”>@Model.value.caption</p>