Group objects into batches of X items with a constructed property, credit to Dave Wyatt:
$bigList = 1..1000
$counter = [pscustomobject] @{ Value = 0 }
$groupSize = 100
$groups = $bigList | Group-Object -Property { [math]::Floor($counter.Value++ / $groupSize) }
Use “PipelineVariable” to pass data down the pipeline rather than using a foreach:
Get-ADUser <username> -PipelineVariable user -Properties memberof |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty memberof |
Select-Object @{ n = ‘Name’; e = { $user.Name }}, @{ n = ‘MemberOf’ ; e = { $PSItem -replace ‘CN=|,(OU|CN)=.+’ }}
Also if a cmdlet does not support -pipelineVariable you can pass it to Where-Object
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Where-Object {$true} -PipelineVariable mbx | whatever
Convert a list of strings into a single line string delimited by quotes and separated by commas, suitable for using in a “IN” statement in SQL/SOQL
$ids is a list of ID strings
$idsString = $ids -replace “(\w+)",‘‘‘$1’'' -join ‘,‘
or if it’s one large string separated by line breaks (e.g. copied from a spreadsheet):
$idsString = ($ids -replace “(\w+)",‘‘‘$1’'').Split(“
n") -join ','<br /><br />-----<br />Print a line<br />'_' * 100<br /><br />Prevent null references, incorrect syntax usage, unnamed variables:<br />Set-StrictMode -Version Latest<br /><br />Creating a new instance of a .net framework object<br />New-Object TypeName "System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch"<br />Or more simply, New-Object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch<br />Because it's a string, don't use the type name in angle brackets like PS normally would<br /><br />To view absolutely everything that's happening internally in the powershell pipeline for a particular scriptblock:<br />Trace-Command -Name * -Expression {Get-Service winrm | Restart-Service} -PSHost<br /><br />Add a calculated property to a list of objects, along with all the other properties:<br /> Select *,@{Name="ExtraField"; Expression={$_.SomeValue+1}}, @{Name="Whatever"; Expression={"Some string"}}<br /><br />Get a list of drives, including network drives and their UNC paths (like with "net use"):<br /> Get-WmiObject -Class win32_logicaldisk<br /><br />Get previous session history with "get-history"<br />Run a previous command without pushing up 1000 times with "invoke-history"<br /><br />csi = C# interactive (custom alias)<br /><br />Formatting:<br />get a list of every property and value for an object:<br /> $whatever | Format-List<br />Prevent output from truncating:<br /> Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap<br /><br />Redirection:<br />& { blah } 1 > $null - suppress standard output from executing "blah". <a href="" target="_blank">More info</a><br />$var = & Do-Stuff *>&1 - redirect all output to standard output and store that in $var<br />& { whatever } 2>$null 3>$null - redirect error and warning streams<br /><br />Output:<br />get-content .\somefile -Wait - tail-like behaviour, displays additions to the file<br />get-content | more - allows paging of output<br /><br />Getting a count of duplicated things:<br />$whatever | group FieldToGroup | where Count -gt 1 | sort Count -Descending | select Name, Count<br /><br />set-clipboard (scb) - sets the contents of the clipboard to whatever is pasted in. Useful with sls for non-powershell commands that output text that you have to use in another command<br /><br />Delimiters<br />
t - tabWhen using delimiters with “Import-Csv -Delimiter”, make sure not to surround them with quotes
cd env: gets environment vars
get-psprovider lists providers
get-psdrive lists drives
get-module -listavailable lists all available modules
hashtable of variables for passing in parameters
$parameters = @{
‘param1’ = $value1
‘param2’ = $value2
Run-SomeCmdlet @parameters <- notice the @ symbol, not $
write-verbose lines in a function only write if a -verbose flag was provided to the function
@($a) forces $a to be in an array
use regexes with “where” with the “match” operator:
gci | where name -match ‘\d{2}‘
rename properties for a select:
ps | select @{Name='Title’;Exp={$_.ProcessName}}
select-string (alias: sls)
very useful for selecting strings from a whole bunch of string-based output
works like grep in linux
ipconfig | sls subnet
To use IIS stuff:
Import-Module WebAdministration
open IIS drive and navigate to a website:
cd IIS:<br /> cd sites\sitename
Get a list of every module
Get-Module -ListAvailable
Find a module based on name
Get-Module *web*
Find all commands in a module
Get-Command -Module WebAdministration
get current item members:
gi . | gm
recycle an app pool by navigating to it
cd IIS:\AppPools\somewebsite
(gi .).Recycle()
or also in one line:
(gi IIS:\AppPools\somewebsite).Recycle()
ii (invoke-item)
performs the default action on an item, e.g. opens a file using a program
-join operator, joins strings together
when used first (unary), joins without delimiting
-join (“asdf”, “qwer”) #outputs asdfqwer
when used as a binary operator, allows a delimiter
(“asdf”, “qwer”) -join ‘-’ #outputs asdf-qwer
-replace operator, using regex to replace strings
replace pairs of html tags with <small>:
$foo = $foo -replace ‘<(/)?\w+>', ‘<$1small>‘
searching application event log for a particular guid:
Get-EventLog -logname application | where {$_.Message -ilike “*6CD27361-D038-E611-9B7F-005056956605*") } | select message